City Ministries is a fellowship of Petaluma and Penngrove churches that has been meeting together weekly for over 20 years. Our goal, echoing the words of Jonathan Edwards, is "an humble attempt to promote Christ's kingdom through explicit agreement, visible unity, extraordinary prayer", and service to our community. We begin each year with a retreat to seek the Lord about how best we might work together in His service during the coming year. Over the decades our congregations have been led to join together in such events and ministries as a city wide worship service, community service projects, helping launch and continuing to support Celebrate Recovery Petaluma, praying for our fellow congregations during our Sunday Services, and gathering for prayer for the nation and during times of special need. We believe this all to be a part of fulfilling Jesus' prayer for the unity of His church in John 17. The current churches involved in City Ministries are:
Adobe Christian Church
Calvary Chapel Petaluma
Eastside Freewill Baptist Church
Hillside Church
Immanuel Church of Petaluma
New Life Christian Fellowship
Petaluma Valley Baptist Church
Petaluma Christian Church
Petaluma Church of Christ
Penngrove Community Church
St. John’s Anglican Church
The Parish Church
The Salvation Army